Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WBC Wednesday Night Ride by fdaugherty at Garmin Connect - Details

WBC Wednesday Night Ride by fdaugherty at Garmin Connect - Details

All in all a good night. 23 miles in 1:13, somewhere along the line I lost the group I was riding with, but this time I was out in front. I stopped in Genoa to wait on them, but didn't see anyone so I rode back by myself. The good news is I averaged 18.9 mph riding almost the whole way by myself. The bad news is it just isn't staying light enough for long enough yet. But there is hope, and I am positive - so I guess that is more good news.

It was a beautiful night, clear skies and plenty of sun. It was a typical Wednesday Night Ride with everyone trying to ride hard in the first few miles. I still haven't figured out why everyone takes off at 20-25 mph when they are not warmed up. I don't know if it is a competition thing or trying to get out in the country away from traffic. There were a couple strong riders that I followed out. One guy pulled off the front and How about those Mountaineers. I was wearing a WVU jersey, because they are in the Final Four for the first time since Jerry West was on the team. Interestingly enough his son is on the team now. So perhaps WVU should ensure all offspring from West attends WVU. Anyway, the guy graduated in 2008, lives here now.

I took over the pull somewhere on Red Bank south of Knolls Dr. and lost the group just south of Genoa. I'm not sure if I missed a turn or not. I got there a little late and didn't get a map. But there again I kind of know the area, note the sly smile of sarcasm.

I am adjusting to the bike, though I may need a few more minor adjustments. So far I've raised the seat about 8-9 MM, moved it forward about 2 MM and raised the handle bars about a centimeter. Every adjustments makes the fit better. The geometry is different enough from the Raleigh that even if I get all the measurements spot on the bike is going to feel and handle differently.

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