Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday Night Ride or Dude, Where's My Bridge!

teamroll: Thursday Night Ride by fdaugherty at Garmin Connect - Details

OK it is a well known fact the that our team is a little directionally challenged at times.  Last year as a group we logged over 25,000 miles, not all of those miles were planned.  We have faced adversity through wind, rain, hills, 6 and 12 hour challenges, getting lost, rough roads.  But today was a little different, someone moved the bridge.

Road closed?  HA!
The state has decided to repair or replace basically every bridge between Westerville and Johnstown area.  Basically, every where we ride.  This creates two problems (1) we have to alter routes, which can place us squarely into our biggest weakness (directionally challenged) and (2) traffic patterns change as people look for different ways home.  This increases anxiety in drivers because some of them are directionally challenged as well.  Luckily, we haven't seen too many of them yet.

Still not convinced that the road is actually closed
 Ya see, the thing about teamroll: is you can give us obstacles, provide adversity, even take the bridge away.  It will not stop us.  We find away around it, through it, over or under it, because that's how we roll:

Bridge?  We don't need no sticking bridges.

There is a beam to the lower right hand side - approximately 12 inches wide.  So we walked across a steel beam about 3 feet off the water in cleats, carrying the bikes.  Is this considered cross training?

Safely on the other side the ride continues

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that was a memorable moment for me and my young bike career
